今天918博天堂游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐王者荣耀也在用的Unity3d寻路专家A* Pathfinding Project Pro,有喜欢的小伙伴可以前往官网购买哦,关于插件的详细信息查看这里:传送门
英文官方原文:The A* Pathfinding Project is a powerful and easy to use pathfinding system for Unity. With blazing fast pathfinding your AIs will be able to find the player in complex mazes in no time at all.
英文官方原文:Perfect for TD, FPS and RTS games.
英文官方原文:Features:Grid, navmesh and point graphs, so you've got 3 types of graphs included. Automatic navmesh generation to save you from doing it manually. Fully multithreaded so it will barely affect the frame rate. Path post-processing using raycasting, smoothing and using the funnel algorithm. A single line of code for a pathfinding call. Graphs can be saved to files. Local Avoidance both in the XZ and XY plane. Source code included. Supports updating graphs during runtime.
英文官方原文:Includes a total of 16 example scenes to help you get started. Also a comprehensive online documentation where almost all functions and variables are documented.
英文官方原文:Lightning fast pathfinding for Unity3D. Whether you write a TD, RTS, FPS or RPG game, this package is for you. With heavily optimized algorithms and a large feature set but yet simple to use, you will be able to make those bots a bit smarter in no time.
北京918博天堂数字科技有限公司,在游戏行业,在网页游戏平台,918博天堂是昆仑万维最可靠的合作伙伴之一,制作的《猛将无双》网页游戏,早在二零一二年就获得国内外无数大奖。近年来,918博天堂积极拓展业务体系,由于Unity3d在手游领域的流行,918博天堂自主研发多类游戏美术制作插件,在手游与PC 平台,918博天堂是大宇软星忠实的合作伙伴,参与制作《仙剑奇侠传》系列,《大富翁》系列。让918博天堂引以为傲的是,我们与腾讯,网易,卡普空,蓝港等一线厂商保持着默契并良好的合作关系。服务逾十年来,参与研发作品超五百部。多部作品广受内人士惊艳好评。